Collage Arts has been developing and connecting creative communities for over 34 years in the heart of Haringey. Collage Voices brings young people’s ideas and voices to life through performing arts, creative writing and digital technology. The weekly sessions are designed to let young people, from 8-18 years old, explore issues and areas that are important to them. They call it serious fun.
Each week they work a with a very diverse group of young people drawn from across the borough. The tutors take the young people’s ideas and run with them. This may involve performance coaching, devising work or introducing the young people to material by writers they are unlikely to have encountered, but whose work complement their interests. Their work also encourages active citizenship, rights and equalities, for example, young people forming Hate Interrupter Teams to counteract hate speech, behaviour and create creative campaigning tools to support young people, migrants and minorities facing this issue.
The Cyril & Eve Jumbo Trust started working with Collage Arts in 2019 to support the Collage Voices program. In June 2019 Collage Voices participants took part in a programme called Beating the Bounds: Wood Green re-imagined through the eyes of young people and the image is taken from this day.